Stepping Towards a Stable Mental Health: International Men’s Day 2020

Many of us did not know that a day like this exists, but it does, and it praises the achievements, sacrifices, and brave moments by the men and boys around the globe. Unfortunately, there were no special posts over the internet because ‘men’ is not a term that is going to be trending than ‘women’. This shows how commercialized has the bloggers and the content has become. They praise the International Women’s Day before a week, but for men, there is not even a doodle that appeared to commemorate the contributions of men.

Feminism has occupied more in this world now and the supporters are just busy promoting the women content and not even considering the men. How many posts have you seen on social media quoting the International Men’s Day? I have seen just two and it is saddening that our own identity is at risk. Feminism is good to be promoted, even I support the same since it is completely supporting the women’s equality. It doesn’t mean that women will take over the men’s pride. Do not get misguided over this topic.

Men’s life and wellbeing matters

I am the one who supported International Women’s Day every year. I will make a post with a respect to honor the women who contributed their part in making this world safer and a better place to live in. But now I am in a huge confusion who is going to at least support us (men) when we are in turmoil?

This year’s them for International Men’s Day is “Better health for men and boys” and this shows how much suffering that men and boys are facing in this world where even the same gender is unwilling to assist when need as they are focusing on praising the opposite gender most of the time.

Standalone mode is on

Most of us do not get enough moral support when we are mentally struggling. Families will ignore our pain saying that we are boys, and we can handle anything, we will be crying louder inside and outside we must keep a mask of a smile to protect our identity.

We do not even have the freedom to let our emotions flow in the rain of tears. Still, we are not complaining about anything, being the incredible creation on earth, many men are not deserved to be part of the men’s community, on the other hand, some men are striving hard to safeguard the nation and contributing to the growth of the country in their way

What we demand is a little amount of time and care, nothing more than this. We felt abandoned this time and supporters for women are forgetting that they are men too.

In this situation, a specific standalone mode is hereby activated by all the men. They have stopped reacting to the care they are getting from others, they have developed the habit of suffering and habituated to the pain to undergo mentally and all alone. I think we need to stick with this more and assist our fellow mate to overcome his stress too.

Supporting Women is Necessary, but Snubbing Men is Dangerous

We see content on the internet every day demanding gender equality and women’s commissions. In most of the posts, feminism is highly encouraged and now it has reached an extent where men now must fight for gender equality.

The same is experienced on Father’s Day, there will be special sales, special events especially for Mother’s Day, and the same interest is not seen when coming to Father’s Day. Isn’t this discrimination? Isn’t this how we men are treated nowadays?

A true man will always support women and girls and never disrespect them, there is no need to demand respect, it comes automatically if a person is taught in his childhood how to treat the opposite gender. This is what parenting must teach their children. As responsible citizens, we have to help, protect women when they are in trouble and assist them in performing difficult tasks. And there are two types of women too, the good and bad, we never expose the bad women to society, their acts are buried deep inside our hearts to protect them from being illtreated. Even the media is centric on the women content more than the men.

Something needs to change

We as men are not expecting any appreciation for the works we did; we do what we do because it is our responsibility and we never regret what we are. Because of a few misguided men, the entire gender is never wrong.

There is a need to change now and need to discuss the success of the men in the media too. The International Men’s Day must be celebrated more and appreciate the sacrifices and hard works of the men and boys around the globe. This is complete discrimination when we experienced no majority of posts related to men.

Men’s Feelings Matters:

The one bitter truth prevailing in society is when a girl shed tears, groups of people surround her to support her and enquire her well-being when a boy/ a man shed tears, his family, friends, and people will make fun of him and even they go to an extent and say that men who shed tears are dangerous.

What is that much value in a teardrop of a girl that of a boy? Both have the same salt secretion; I doubt there is some secretion missing in these people who treats a boy/ a man suffering from pain.

As men will not cry so easily, they gulp all the tears within them and never let them cross the eyelids, it is the nature of the man by birth as a part of emotional control. No matter how much we suffer, to the limit we never cry, crying in our space is ignorable because no one witnesses it. One who consumes the agony within the heart will have more intense pain than the one who releases it out.


If you are a feminist supporter, or a gender equality fighter, or even a social activist who fights for women, there is a thing you need to keep in mind that equality refers to distributing equally but not degrading one party and encouraging the other side. The mental health status of men are ceasing below the critical level, when boys are in depression, there is no enough support or motivation from family and friends and society will make him more vulnerable which will result in forcing him to end his life.

This year’s theme states that we need to take care of ourselves during the adverse situations when no one is there for enough backup, we need to learn to stand alone and emerge alone when no one is ready to give their hand to aid us.

The increase in the suicidal rates among teenagers is due to the lack of caring and being alone, if you ever encounter a boy/man who is not just normal in his behavior and sounds different, go ahead and spend time to motivate them, a few minutes spent with them may save their life from ending without a purpose. Instead of focusing on the trending topic and focusing on the female zone, it is time to make some self-improvement. I urge all of the boys and men to celebrate the success and appreciate each other for the works in the respective fields. It is the time to be strong and firm, as we have witnessed that no one will be there to support us in the future because of our gender. Even the giant search engine (Google) has failed to recognize the men on International Men’s Day.

But this is not the end, we will evolve from here, we keep supporting each other and supporting the opposite gender, we never develop any kind of hatred towards anyone. Our discrimination here only refers to how the world has become so materialistic, feministic, and gender-oriented.


Prasanna Dasari
Prasanna Dasari

Welcome to my professional sphere! I am Prasanna Dasari, a passionate individual thriving at the intersection of creativity and communication. With a vibrant career as a blogger, content writer, and graphic designer, I've honed my ability to convey compelling stories and ideas across various mediums.

Blogging & Content Writing:
My journey in blogging has allowed me to dive deep into diverse industries, gaining insights and crafting narratives that resonate with distinct audiences. Whether it's breaking down complex technical topics or engaging readers in lifestyle discussions, my words aim to inform, inspire, and ignite curiosity.

Ebooks & Whitepapers:
As an author of ebooks and whitepapers, I take pride in researching and presenting information that not only educates but also empowers readers. These comprehensive pieces reflect my commitment to quality and my knack for turning data and ideas into accessible, engaging content.

Podcasts & Articles:
Behind the mic or the keyboard, I have created and contributed to podcasts and articles for various clients. My work is a testament to my versatility and my ability to adapt my voice to meet the needs of different sectors and platforms.

Graphic Design:
My passion for graphic design complements my writing, allowing me to present ideas not just through words but through visual storytelling. This skill set enables me to deliver a complete and cohesive message, captivating the audience's attention and conveying information in an impactful way.

As a lifelong learner and a dedicated professional, I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow. Connect with me to discuss how my diverse skill set and creative approach can contribute to your next project or venture.

Articles: 30

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