
Rapes in India and the Solution to the Violence Against Women.

Rapes in India and the permanent solution for it. Safety for women is considered as the high priority.


This post is for persons above 18 years of age. 
All the views expressed in the post are my personal views.
No AI Tools are used (like ChatGPT, Gemini AI etc) to write this post, this is completely human written.

After three long years of break, I am back to blogging. I took a break because of my professional and personal life, but this time, I need to come back again and write. I want to become the voice of those million hearts who would like to kill the negative minds that are prevailing in society.

I do not want to go into the details of what happened with a trainee doctor, female, 31, who was raped and killed in the seminar hall which belongs to Kolkata’s RG Kar College and Hospital on August 9th, 2024.

The reason for me being back to blogging and making this decision without preparedness is this incident.

As this has sparked my inner self to bring the voice back to the public and let the solutions come from within ourselves. Nobody is going to teach us externally, we are made to identify the issues and then we need to curb them too.

I am done being silent and I am done with all the excuses that I make because many things happened in my life. We can all talk about them later, but now, I am back and as a journalist and a mature researcher, writer, and published author, Prasanna Dasari is back with the real solution that needs to be implemented.

Consider this entire article as a guide, this is going to be a long read, so sit back and relax, I might release a book based on this blog post.

But I strongly suggest you grab your water bottle stick to your screens and read this like you have written this. You can criticize me later, but first read the entire concept, as I have done my groundwork for years, observed many situations around me, and worked with few situations that are the root causes of violent acts.

I am not going to talk about the Kolkata rape case, this post is targeting only to provide the solution once and for all. Enough is enough.

We all thought that after the Nirbhaya case, there wouldn’t be any such incident happening again, but post the execution of four members involved in the Nirbhaya case, multiple incidents have happened, I can say that worse also happened which are not brought into the light.

We all will be shocked, and express our sympathy to all those who are exposed to the public, but behind the curtains, many brutal cases will never make it out of those four walls, it is due to the victim’s choice or it is suppressed due to many powers working behind the scenes.

Look at the stats below:

The records were available up to 2022, but later, it increased too. You can see the increment in the graph and nowadays, any rape case has become a piece of common news like a weather report even to the public.

An old woman got raped in her house and hanged to death, friends celebrated a birthday party, and rape happened there, and the girl got killed in it, family members involved in raping a girl, whatnot, even the most secured and trusted relationships- a father and a daughter, a father has raped his daughter and murdered her.

We have heard enough and yes, we protested too.

But is there any change? No change and we are exposed to many incidents, and we are frustrated now.

When we investigate the history of India, colonial India has suffered much from the violent treatment of the landlords who are Indians and how they have taken advantage of the power and raped the women belonging to the lower caste. Look at this report about the Devadasi system in India, you will understand what evils were prevailing in the society in those days.

India is a land of diversity; India is a land where the goddesses are worshipped and India itself is considered as a mother. We call it Bharatmata (Bharat – India; Mata – Mother), the Mother India. Unfortunately, on this land, our mothers and sisters are being assaulted and sexually abused once are twice in their lives and we do not even know about these incidents. We do not even take our time to talk to them about such incidents, we feel ashamed to bring such topics to the table or else our manhood will be doubted when they say something has happened with them in the market and we were not able to even correct it.

It is with the girls/women as well, I encourage every mother and sister to discuss such things with their family, not wait until someone approaches you and asks you the question. You can share with a friend girl/boy or a family member what happened in that vegetable market and during any cultural procession that you have attended. Harassment or molestation news is over the internet every day, if you type the keyword you will get the results, but most of them are recent ones.

Due to the open culture and “Me Too” movements, when you ask any woman now aged between 28-50, they will share with you that either during their childhood, teenage or even in their adulthood, they have been objectified, treated badly and sexually targeted by the opposite gender. In public places, during big events, when they are surrounded by many when they are alone, and whatnot, the girl/woman will become prey to these predators when the thought of abuse gets into the brains of these males.

We listen, we cry and then we are occupied with our own business, we justify this by saying that we have no time to discuss this, we are not in power to educate people on this and we do not have proper channels, or we are inappropriate profiles to share this information with the people, this is where we need to take the stand and take the decision and this is why I am back.  

We need to act, we need to move the government organizations to implement new techniques and with the help of the latest technologies, we can bring many things down even before happening. If we track down the IDs of people who are commenting badly on the profiles of females and can summon them for counseling then the actual crime might not be committed. The root cause has been identified and it has been addressed. I know this will take a huge process, manpower, and effort, but with Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerging rapidly, let us use that in identifying such profiles.  

After a few weeks of outrage, the intensity disappears and there will be no one remembering the incident anymore. By the time I publish this post, I guess there will be less heat or no heat at all when coming to this matter.

Every time I used to think, now is the time and this is the final time I am going to hear such kind of brutal issue or rape case because the law and order will take action in such a way that to even think about a repletion of this case. It is highly impossible. The copycat crimes might have decreased, but the brutality has increased, and the criminals are finding new ways to torture women.

What can be done to prevent this happening in the future?

What can be done from our end as a responsible citizen who is not even willing to skip that one fine from the RTA for a bike ride where our pillion is not wearing the helmet, what can we do about these all?

This blog post is the one and only answer, I have waited long enough for someone who is more influential than me, but no one has said anything closer to my ideas yet.

Then, I have to make time and come back with the thought so that one fine day, this will be implemented.

The Idea of Rape and Man’s Thought Behind This

This post The Psychology of a Rapist provides us a good knowledge about the psychology of the person who commits the crime (here in our case ‘rape’).

As I am in India, most of the people are first not open to any such discussions.

This is the biggest suppression, and it must be stopped.

Always keep in mind that raping a girl/woman is not considered a disorder of a man, it is a CRIME. And why boys/men are going to take this risk of committing a crime even after knowing it?

Now, there are many reasons why a boy when he is in teenage will get the thoughts of objectification of a female in his mind. The reasons are listed below:

  • In the early days of school, the concept of objectification will start around age groups 10-13 years. Here the kids will be exposed to many thoughts and comments about sex, opposite gender, and so on. Here the behavioral analysis must be done by parents and the teachers as well in the change that has been observed in these kids. They will exhibit the changes caused by anger issues and changes in their way of talking and eating habits too. If this is identified earlier, handling it is another action item which we will see at the end of the post.
  • The boys as a group will consider the other boy as a validation point is only if they know about sex and able to throw a few comments on the opposite gender based on their physical appearance.
  • Now, there are two types of boys – one is exposed to these thoughts and silently executes in the dark, and the others will share their thoughts publicly. Both will become a danger in the future if the situation permits.
  • The huge exposure to social media, the movie industry, and all the other double-meaning promotions.
  • The fear of missing out on boys in terms of sexual knowledge will also create the urge.

Let me explain to you further, during a friendly conversation with one of my school friends, he clearly stated that there was one opportunity that led him almost to commit the crime. That was midnight, and a woman aged 27 years is waiting for the public transport in the corner of the road. My friend who was passing by on his bike crossed her and after going 500 meters, he took a U-turn and observed her. His intention is to grope her and if possible, rape her. He has clearly stated that her appearance is so amazing and irresistible and even if he can commit the crime, he is ready to die after raping her.

Now that sounds horrible, not only this one friend, I had to meet such mindset guys throughout my life. Whenever such conversations take place, I used to keep that in my mind, and this is the first time I am going to publicize this without any names mentioned.

Why Do Those Thoughts Rise?

The thought of rape or the idea of taking the girl’s loneliness as an advantage and exploiting her is in the minds of men. To gauze the exact percentage of men who are with thoughts of rape is highly impossible as we cannot measure the thoughts, but in my calculation, I can say that 1 in 5 men are with the thought of taking sexual advantage of women who are closer to them, or even I can say it is 4 out of 5 men are with this intention.

Now if we go down to the study of the root cause of these thoughts, there is the answer. The feeling of lust, dopamine, and the lack of gender sensitization.

In my country India, boys are girls are treated completely in different ways. The elders will always say that girls/women are weak, and they need the support of boys/men to lead their life.

Well, this has been proved wrong by many women who took the entire responsibility into their hands and ran the house. They did everything and proved this wrong, but these kids who are not able to access these data of women will be living with the opinion that females are weak.

And whenever we say the word weak, the hand that is upper than the weak will always try to take advantage of it.

This is also a huge example of why many child rape victims has increased in number. The following images are the stats that you must look into.

There are many reasons for the boys to get addicted to such activities, the groups, and the friend circles the boys are in have to be monitored by the parents. We do not know their thoughts, but a little information about them would be good.

What is Wrong in Our Current Culture?

Now this section is going to be long and long.

I will be talking about the roots of the thought process.

Based on my personal experience, I have been exposed to many situations and observed closely why men behave like animals. The points that I am going to list now can raise many eyebrows, but I am helpless here.

  1. The misinterpretation of the opposite gender at home by parents/elders.
  2. Not providing the needed gender sensitization to the kids when they need to know.
  3. Hiding mature discussions, and open speaking culture in families.
  4. Treating sex and other opposite gender-related topics as a trend in the group talks.
  5. Involvement of unnecessary romantic scenes, sexual abuse scenes, and arousal scenes in the movies.
  6. The perspective of many men about women as just sexual objects and their movies justify the issues.
  7. In the name of content creation, creating the double meaning comedies by slowly luring the people with the name of comedy.
  8. Content creation and its impact on young minds.
  9. Social Media’s role.
  10. Reality shows role.
  11. And so on…

If I would like to list here, the list will go on. But, let me take a break here and dive into the situation.

The current trendy culture in which we are living is a home for the most upgraded technology. With internet access to everyone, even a kid under 5 years old, and with access to unlimited and unnecessary content and no filters, is creating chaos.

From the time waking up from our beds to the time we go back to bed, we are locked or let’s say tied up ourselves to mobile devices.

Need or not needed, having a phone beside us creates a feeling of being secure and connected with the world, but using it unnecessarily every time is something that we need to think about.

And this is how we are grabbing all the information without even our consent, and we are treating it like “Okay, we can ignore it” or like “okay, let it be played”.

Even advertisement companies are creating advertisements in such a way that they click baits, they will tell you a story, and in the middle of the story, they will ask you to subscribe to their premium services to finish the story, and most of the times, these stories are related to sex.

We are holding phones in our hands proudly, but what kind of content that phone has in its chips is where our attention goes to.

An average college student carries a mobile phone in their bag even after knowing that their colleges will ban the usage of phones if they are caught, or they will seize the devices if they find them with the students. What is driving these students to take that level of risk? And what are they using these mobile phones for?

In my study, during 2028, I have trained 500+ students who are in the age range of 19-23 years of age. 80% of them carried mobile phones and when I checked the type of content they were watching few of them downloaded and persevered using the memory cards, it was all explicit content and sex-films or blue films.

I am not saying here that a student shouldn’t carry a mobile phone, it is necessary to have communication in case of emergency with family members, and to stay in touch with friends, but using it as a device that hosts content that will corrupt your mind, that is the thing which we need to monitor and stop.

Nowadays the words privacy and self-space have been trending too, parents do not have that much close access to their kids’ rooms or devices, it is the mature part that this privacy is provided to individuals so that they won’t feel bad or being watched, but this privacy is ruining many young people lives.

The frustration if a parent asks for a phone to check the history and the anger that rains down on a mother who asks her daughter with whom she has been chatting or on a call a few minutes ago.

These things should go old-school, and one needs to have an eye one or the other way at least to have an idea of what is going on in their kids’ lives.

Now coming to the big screen things – the movies.

Most of the movies today are concentrating on injecting the concept of romance between a girl and a boy. They are intentionally pushing this content and in the name of item songs, they are projecting a completely bad behavior that might ruin the mindset of a watcher.

If there is no such content, the steamy content I am talking about in the movies, the producers think that this might harm their investments as their expected ROI may not be reached.

A responsible director or a movie producer will only include romance when it is needed in the story, that part is missing these days.

The level of female objectification, showing them as sex dolls, communicating the message to the youngsters that having multiple girlfriends and having two or more break-ups is okay and they are the achievements in a boy’s life.

But when they step into the actual society, everything will be reversed, people will only respect those who has values, and inclusion and diversity is promoted by all the companies, if you even get a good job, and you have behavioral issues with the opposite gender, you will be banned from the workplace, who are going to teach us these values? These movies can do that job, but if they do, their niche audience will be abandoning them, and the movie boards cannot get the money they want.

Now coming to the reality shows, or any such shows organized by the popular TV channels.

I have already published research on the TV show Bigg Boss, and I have explained clearly how it can ruin mental peace and also can break relationships, now let us talk about the other shows as well.

These reality shows instead of showing the talent, manipulate the results, they involve the dark comedy which rotates around the double meanings and well-known actors/actresses will take their seats as judges and they keep on commenting on these performances.

Involving kids and doing sexual things, talking about intercourse, sex, and relationships, and making or forcing the kids to do these things that are not even known to them is a criminal act, and it should be banned.

And they call them the family shows, I have seen personally there are most professionals, with the name of passing their time or just for fun or relaxation, they have fallen prey to such B-grade shows. They keep on laughing at the silly jokes that make no sense at all and are not even close to reality.

Showing more than needed on social media by girls/women. Most of the influencers are in a perfection race, they want to gain followers and for that, they are exceeding their limits in exposing themselves, they are treating their bodies as an investment and the followers are the benefits.

They are luring the audience by targeting them with specific keywords, encouraging them to click and subscribe to the premium content.

A few years ago, there were only a few accounts, and few activities were detected on the internet, in the current culture, with the extent of usage of internet services and the widespread of this dark trend, everyone is seen on social media. Thousands and thousands of female accounts are being used without any purpose but only to expose themselves, and on the other side of the screen, millions of users are watching it with lust and fantasizing about them in their dreams.

The thought process of men has changed a lot, I have been watching the comments section in YouTube videos, Instagram reels, and everywhere else, there are at least 60% of the comments are abusive, they will objectify the person who is in the video if it is female, their target is only female objectification and sexual abuse.

These things are happening because there is no one to take care of them and teach them the necessary values which are required in society and I can say, these mentality people are the ones who will rape and murder a girl if she is roaming in the night or even in an isolated area during the daytime.

What can be done?

In these cases, the accounts that are using abusive language must be monitored by any government policy, the real people should visit them counsel them, and provide them with the required gender sensitization, this might seem impossible, but as responsible citizens, if we can take this stand and do it, everything is possible.

With an official order, people can listen, no NGO work can be done here, the governments must involve and resolve this, for this tracking and taking necessary measures, any candidate is eligible if they have basic responsibility. Such kind of plans and programs has to be implemented by the governments.

For gender sensitization, understanding the mindset of the kids and then teaching them compassion, feeding them the values of good, encouraging patriotism, and teaching them to respect the opposite gender is needed.

In most of the families I observe, even when they are educated, the surrounding people will corrupt the brain of the child during their early ages, and this is where the time spent with the kids, the words they are uttering, and the way they are behaving will always communicate the way to address the challenge and keep them in the right path.

What can be done with the orphans, well, I can say one thing here, orphans, know the value of life, and improvising the current plans provided by the government and the private sectors can be very helpful for them to realize the values of life.

Here, spirituality can also play a vital role in bringing change.

It is always recommended to teach the younger generation to show compassion towards the weaker sections of society, whether it is an animal, a human being, or an elderly person. Treating them with compassion must be developed as a habit.

More Action Items

One should be ready to reject the bad even if it is a trendy one.

To follow the trend, the good people are also getting corrupted, and this needs to be stopped, bad is always to be treated as bad and it should be discussed publicly to avoid these things happening in society.

To have a complete check of the incidents that are happening so violently to girls/women, more concentration must be placed on gender sensitization.

One who can practice good can spread that to others, those who have good values, need to exponentially transfer to others.

They can start a blog, or podcast, or even talk to the other person whom they feel like going in the wrong direction. Do not take the risk of being too much into them and getting hurt.

The content creator or the influencers need to be careful when creating content. It should not communicate any misleading information, if the brands, promoters, and the clients all unite and effortlessly try hard to bring this kind of culture and keep that into practice, then such incidents will not be happening in the future.

No matter how much cruel punishments are provided to the rapists, the idea behind the rape and the motive behind it will get more resistant.

A day will come when every girl/woman will have to hide themselves from the people walking on the streets.

To keep a permanent check, let us practice what has been discussed in this blog post. Let us keep our egos aside, let us not care about our backgrounds, let us not care about anything, let us unite and create a safer world to live in for all living beings.

Prasanna Dasari
Prasanna Dasari

Welcome to my professional sphere! I am Prasanna Dasari, a passionate individual thriving at the intersection of creativity and communication. With a vibrant career as a blogger, content writer, and graphic designer, I've honed my ability to convey compelling stories and ideas across various mediums.

Blogging & Content Writing:
My journey in blogging has allowed me to dive deep into diverse industries, gaining insights and crafting narratives that resonate with distinct audiences. Whether it's breaking down complex technical topics or engaging readers in lifestyle discussions, my words aim to inform, inspire, and ignite curiosity.

Ebooks & Whitepapers:
As an author of ebooks and whitepapers, I take pride in researching and presenting information that not only educates but also empowers readers. These comprehensive pieces reflect my commitment to quality and my knack for turning data and ideas into accessible, engaging content.

Podcasts & Articles:
Behind the mic or the keyboard, I have created and contributed to podcasts and articles for various clients. My work is a testament to my versatility and my ability to adapt my voice to meet the needs of different sectors and platforms.

Graphic Design:
My passion for graphic design complements my writing, allowing me to present ideas not just through words but through visual storytelling. This skill set enables me to deliver a complete and cohesive message, captivating the audience's attention and conveying information in an impactful way.

As a lifelong learner and a dedicated professional, I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow. Connect with me to discuss how my diverse skill set and creative approach can contribute to your next project or venture.

Articles: 30

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