Top 7 Things to Do When You Are in ‘True’ Love

Love is everything, it enables us to find the purpose of our life, it will assist us to stay strong, and guide us to pave our way through success. On the other hand, love can also make us vulnerable and it will destroy our life.

The way we treat it will make it more flexible to handle, but sometimes, it is too hard to even have a moment with it.

Love takes many forms. It can arise anywhere and disappear anywhere without any reason. It is an emotion that has nothing to do with the mind. Love is independent of age and gender. It can develop between anything and anyone.

I wrote many blog posts about self-improvement, love for that particular topic has driven me so hard that after a hectic time at the workplace, I can still take some time to write. Love towards the subject makes me strong.

We tend to see many forms of love in our lives. Mother’s unconditional love, Father’s selfless love, siblings’ competitive love, lovers’ love, friends love, foes’ love, self-love, and last but not the least, God’s love (Because I believe in God).

All that love we get, may not be received by others, we fail to balance the love taken and love given, it is common. The factors like a busy life and health issues will prevent us from sharing a heartful love with the other person, but our life will stand as a living witness to show them how much we love the other person.

In every religion, love has a precious occupancy, the universe is all about love. Love is a magical tool used by the authors, it is a miracle healer in case of treatments and love is always on top of the hate.

To talk about love, I can write a book easily, in my life I have experienced all kinds of love, even my foes loved me when I showed them how much I admired them.

In this blog post, I am going to focus on the top 7 things to do when we are in true love. I used the word true here to erase all the infatuations. The term love here in this post will refer to all categories of people, and all the sections. So let’s dive in…

1 True love is unconditional and never expect anything:

If a 12-year-old kid is saying that he ‘loves video games’ he means it, since the kid is not going to receive any kind of food or energy by playing video games, he is loving truly without any expectations. He doesn’t want the game to give him anything in return, even if the game is not supporting him, he will still insist on playing it and fixing all the issues.

Inventions happen because of love, and unconditional love leads us to a peaceful place, when we don’t expect anything for the good deeds that we have done so far, then we love our works unconditionally.

What does a mother expect from a months-old baby? Still, she sacrifices her all comforts and time to assist the baby to grow. Parent’s love is completely pure, they always want the children to grow and have their life meaning.

If you are in love with anyone or anything, always focus on what can you do for them instead of expecting the return gifts.

2. Love is understanding each other feelings, emotions, and state of mind:

We all are unique; our minds are messed up with the mess we made by our choices. There will be times when we are not able to catch the feelings of others and behave weirdly, this is the moment where we need to realize that the other person is also of the same blood which we are boiling inside us.

The state of mind cannot be determined easily, but we need to stand with the person who is going through pain and agony. If needed it is also a better choice to watch them over secretly to ensure their safety. Understanding feelings is a sign of true love. Especially couples will not get divorced if this concept is passed through their minds.

3. Love is Respect:

If we say that we are loving someone, that means we have prepared ourselves to respect our mates every decision they make. Loving is not about taking control over others; it is about respecting each other values and thoughts respectively. No second thoughts.

4. If put to test, love must evolve as a winner in the end:

Life is made up of so many trials, that we have to walk through all of these tests, sometimes on our own and the other items along with our loved ones. Whatever it might be, if the test is appearing like tearing you both apart, then it is not true love. Just remember one thing true love holds on to the very practical and realistic things, it won’t be teared up easily by any means. Never try to win the other person, try to win their heart.

There might be depression, and there might be a loss of a loved one, but your love will support you to the end of your life. Choose wisely before you share that love with the other person.

5. Never search for perfection:

Nobody is designed to be perfect, there are limitations for all of us, we cannot regret our life because we are weak at doing something, we need to live along with our weaknesses. There is no place for perfection, either physically or mentally, we need to find a valuable step to take when we are in a company filled with love.

Friendships break, lovers break up because they are not able to find perfection in their mates. Avoid searching for it.

6. Acceptance and forgiveness are the keys to opening a heart:

Most of us mistook the thing about opening one’s heart, opening the heart of the other means you are letting yourself to walk through the door and letting yourself into their heart. It is the hardest task to do, we cannot just penetrate through the hearts, there needs to be faith and acceptance.

Before you try to occupy the space in someone’s heart, make sure you are going to get more selfish and occupy the entire space, you may be kicked out easily. Use the available space to make miracles and nurture love.

Accepting the past of a girl will let her rely on you in any situation, she can come with you to the end of the world if you do this genuinely. Forgiveness is a kind and affectionate sign of you to allow others to imagine and create a picture of you in their minds. Try hard to practice these, you will win many hearts. Love will drive away from the fear and it will never make any situations like insecurity etc.

7. Love is everything, sacrifice is an outcome sometimes:

You may agree with all the 6 above points, but this last one is a bit harsh, which is not easily accepted by the majority of the people. But, true love is reflected when we are ready to sacrifice everything we dreamed of to keep the one we love happy and safe. This takes more strength and courage and mental balance to accept, but when love is everything, sacrifice stands tall above them all.

It is more important to see the person you love be happy, even if it takes for you to stay away that, you need to take that step, it is better to stay in your heart than beside.


Love is priceless, it must provide us all the strength to move on in life, when love meets the endpoint in the eyes of others, then it is not the endpoint, it is just the beginning of more love and trust. It is considered as a true firm and rock basement for love, where there is trust, there is love. You cannot name the bodily pleasures, or affairs as love, but love is capable of everything and anything.

Whenever we have everything in our lives, when we reach and cross out all the goals, then it comes to our mind, that true love is the reason why we are here right now and what we are right now.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. I Peter 4:8

Prasanna Dasari
Prasanna Dasari

Welcome to my professional sphere! I am Prasanna Dasari, a passionate individual thriving at the intersection of creativity and communication. With a vibrant career as a blogger, content writer, and graphic designer, I've honed my ability to convey compelling stories and ideas across various mediums.

Blogging & Content Writing:
My journey in blogging has allowed me to dive deep into diverse industries, gaining insights and crafting narratives that resonate with distinct audiences. Whether it's breaking down complex technical topics or engaging readers in lifestyle discussions, my words aim to inform, inspire, and ignite curiosity.

Ebooks & Whitepapers:
As an author of ebooks and whitepapers, I take pride in researching and presenting information that not only educates but also empowers readers. These comprehensive pieces reflect my commitment to quality and my knack for turning data and ideas into accessible, engaging content.

Podcasts & Articles:
Behind the mic or the keyboard, I have created and contributed to podcasts and articles for various clients. My work is a testament to my versatility and my ability to adapt my voice to meet the needs of different sectors and platforms.

Graphic Design:
My passion for graphic design complements my writing, allowing me to present ideas not just through words but through visual storytelling. This skill set enables me to deliver a complete and cohesive message, captivating the audience's attention and conveying information in an impactful way.

As a lifelong learner and a dedicated professional, I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow. Connect with me to discuss how my diverse skill set and creative approach can contribute to your next project or venture.

Articles: 30

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