Prasanna Dasari is back again but with a huge transformation.

Self-improvement, in the 2010s everyone was talking about this, I am more inclined towards this as I love to be part of the self-improvement speakers. In the year 2018, landing in my first-ever role as a trainer at a youth training center changed my life forever.

I worked on multiple projects earlier, but as a freelancer, my office-guy life began in 2018.

My passion for digital growth, personal branding, and projecting myself as a successful person was my goal, it is still holding good, but there are many challenges that I need to face to keep it alive and burning.

After 2018, everything was a miracle. My dreams had come true. I landed a government job, resigned it, and landed a few private roles, resigned them. Then I sailed for my passion, the passion for writing, and how to find a job that feeds my passion and feeds my stomach.

Then comes the content writer’s role in the scenario.

I had my website maintained well earlier. I spoke about everything: the news, the latest trending topics, the good and the bad, politics, and sports, but my niche was self-improvement.

I had written 2000 blogs on the above subjects, and they are all still with me.

I started my career as a newbie writer, who went into the woods to get ideas, to grab the attention of the readers, I had to research and spend much time isolating myself, and that gave me the strength to write.

I was not the smartest person; I was not a fast learner either. That made me feel excluded always, I never made friends and whom I considered my close friends were not either, they either left me early or broke me after years and left me.

Still it was fine with me, because I have this art of writing as a gift, my handwriting is not good either, I did not focus on it either, I had the history of hand tremors, my hands were shaken to hell and I was not so strong enough to develop the strength that can be used to mold my writing.

I was physically weak but mentally strong that time, I got inspired from my own imaginative stories because I did not watch the television until I started my college education, I was raised like that in complete orthodox family, they taught me the kindness and love and how to be compassionate towards all the living beings.

In the year 2021, the beginning itself has been so hard for me, and then, I decided to shut down my website, I felt like I lost my own identity, but the responsibilities were there to be taken care of.

I had to leave for a better reason, and I left, but later, something a part of my body was missing. I had to live with that paralyzed feeling for 3 long years. But the life’s biggest truths and secrets were discovered during this period.

I was not able to identify myself, but able to learn many new things, the practice of meditation, practiced the monk methods to prevent myself getting outraged and ruin myself during this depression period.

What all happened during these years is a tragic, explaining them all will make this update a bit longer which I don’t want to.

My mother’s health has been completely down during these years, and I lost her on May 1st, 2024, my dad has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and it is so hard for me to watch my inspiration behaving like a kid, that broke me half.

What not, all these years were so hard and now in the month of August 2024, I have decided to take my platform back. I have reopened this website with the intention of not going back and forth again.

I am the writer, and I will keep on writing no matter what it is, that’s what I do, and that is how I live.

I am Prasanna Dasari, and as an author and the one who has witnessed all the badness in life, it is now, my moment to share what needs to be done in our lives to make this earth a better place to live and love.

Hatred is there everywhere you go, but to overcome it and to maintain the balance of relationships, we need to become something else and someone else.

I never let the bad side of me take control of the good side, the morals that has been taught by my parents and sister are with me and they are not going to get buried until I go down.

What can be saved and what cannot be saved is not in our hands, but we can influence everything in our lives, it has been proved earlier and can be proven once again.

Come and visit my blogs for all the updates. The more you read, the more you will know me and that is the good news for us when we meet, we don’t need any formal introduction about me and when you comment, you can reveal what you actually are.

Prasanna Dasari
Prasanna Dasari

Welcome to my professional sphere! I am Prasanna Dasari, a passionate individual thriving at the intersection of creativity and communication. With a vibrant career as a blogger, content writer, and graphic designer, I've honed my ability to convey compelling stories and ideas across various mediums.

Blogging & Content Writing:
My journey in blogging has allowed me to dive deep into diverse industries, gaining insights and crafting narratives that resonate with distinct audiences. Whether it's breaking down complex technical topics or engaging readers in lifestyle discussions, my words aim to inform, inspire, and ignite curiosity.

Ebooks & Whitepapers:
As an author of ebooks and whitepapers, I take pride in researching and presenting information that not only educates but also empowers readers. These comprehensive pieces reflect my commitment to quality and my knack for turning data and ideas into accessible, engaging content.

Podcasts & Articles:
Behind the mic or the keyboard, I have created and contributed to podcasts and articles for various clients. My work is a testament to my versatility and my ability to adapt my voice to meet the needs of different sectors and platforms.

Graphic Design:
My passion for graphic design complements my writing, allowing me to present ideas not just through words but through visual storytelling. This skill set enables me to deliver a complete and cohesive message, captivating the audience's attention and conveying information in an impactful way.

As a lifelong learner and a dedicated professional, I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow. Connect with me to discuss how my diverse skill set and creative approach can contribute to your next project or venture.

Articles: 30

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